CKEditor is Modern JavaScript rich text editor with a modular architecture. Its clean UI and features provide the perfect WYSIWYG UX for creating semantic content.. For more info see
the official siteand
the Github repository.
CKEditor's script bundles are separate from our global bundle and required to be included and initialized manually on related pages. Each CKEditor Build has it's own Javascript file to include. Therefore, include the specifc JS files accordingly.
<!--CKEditor Build Bundles:: Only include the relevant bundles accordingly--><scriptsrc="assets/plugins/custom/ckeditor/ckeditor-classic.bundle.js"></script><scriptsrc="assets/plugins/custom/ckeditor/ckeditor-inline.bundle.js"></script><scriptsrc="assets/plugins/custom/ckeditor/ckeditor-balloon.bundle.js"></script><scriptsrc="assets/plugins/custom/ckeditor/ckeditor-balloon-block.bundle.js"></script><scriptsrc="assets/plugins/custom/ckeditor/ckeditor-document.bundle.js"></script>
CKEditor's Javascript is required to be added into the page via the
usage codesnippet above, along with our other global bundles.
For the Classic CKEditor build, add a blank (or populated)
textareaelement with a unique
idto initialize with JS.
For the all other CKEditor builds, add a blank (or populated)
divelement with a unique
idto initialize with JS.