Smooth Scroll's Javascript is globally initialized with our
KTAppwrapper defined in
To include Smooth Scroll into your project, you need to include a HTML attribute
data-kt-scroll-togglewithin the
aelement with a
hrefset with a hastag
#. For more options available, such as
offsetparameters, please refer to the initialization definition in
For more information on Smooth Scroll's other options, please refer to the official
plugin site.
Basic Example
Click on the button below to scroll to the top without any offset.
<ahref="#top"class="btn btn-primary"data-kt-scroll-toggle>Scroll to Top</a><divid="top">
Offset Example
Click on the button below to scroll to "Usage" with offset. Add the HTML attribute
data-kt-scroll-offsetwith the offset value in
pxto the anchor element.
<ahref="#usage"class="btn btn-primary"data-kt-scroll-toggle>Scroll to Usage</a><divid="usage"data-kt-scroll-offset="85">
Responsive Offset Example
Click on the button below to scroll to "Initialization" with a responsive offset. Add the HTML attribute
data-kt-scroll-offsetwith the offset value in
pxto the anchor element. The responsive values follows the standard Bootstrap breakpoints where
defaultrepresents the base size and moves up with